Thursday, April 12, 2012

Weight Watchers

Today I started my Weight Watchers tracking. It's not too difficult. Minus the fact that I have a hard time measuring everything. It has made me realize how many times I grab something "here and there" walking past the kitchen, preparing T's meals, or while I'm working. I think stopping this habit will be key for me.

After just breakfast and lunch I have realized that CHEESE is no-bueno. Lots of points for cheese, and for grains, like lasagna noodles. But, I know that it's okay to still have those things as long as the rest of the day I try to eat really well.

I have 8 points left (my daily goal is 29) and I have dinner to eat still. Also, I'm going out with some friends tonight for ice cream. EEKS! But, I think I am going to try some sorbet. Which is so not me. But, obviously "me" isn't working so well on this bod. Sorbet is only 4 pts for a 1/2 cup, where premium ice cream is 8. So, I guess it's worth it.

I feel good about today. I think I did well. But, the real test is over the weekend and in the next few weeks. A big key for me will be planning my meals and making sure I have "good" food in our house all the times.

I think I am going to do before and after pics. My weight watchers is 4 months long, so maybe I will do pics every month. It kind of makes me nervous, but I think it will be cool to see if I actually am able to make some progress. Decisions, decisions.

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