Monday, April 23, 2012

Rough Weekend

This weekend was not the best in the world, we had parties and get-togethers galore.  Friday night we went to pizza with some friends.  Didn't do too bad though.  Got a 6" veggie pizza and a giant salad with no meat.  Just some beans for a little protein.

Saturday, a baby shower.  I indulged in a cinnamon roll.  I didn't really feel bad about it though.  It was delicious. 

Saturday night, a birthday party.  I had a hamburger, but stayed away from chips, jello, Swedish Fish, cookies, and ice cream.  Chose to munch on baby carrots instead.  I think at that point I realized how much I WOULD have eaten had I not been so conscious about it.  Eye Opening!

Sunday, birthday gathering for the hubs at the in-laws.  Eating at their house is never gonna be good.  Everything is marinaded, had loads of butter, and they love their desserts!  But, I think I did okay.  Chose a small chicken breast, one scoop of delicious mashed potatoes, and some of the grilled veggies.  They were covered in olive oil, so I couldn't even go crazy with those, unfortunately.  I only had 1 coconut shrimp, which is basically a miracle.  A small slice of cake and scoop of ice cream to finish it off.  I went 16 points over yesterday, just because of all the extra things they added, plus my hubby made me yummy whole wheat pancakes for breakfast, my fav!  I still think of it as a success though, because like I said, I would have been FAR worse!  

I weighed myself at the gym today 180.5.  WOW, that's a lot.  But, it's 6 lbs down from the last time I weighed myself, which was back in October.  And who knows if I gained weight since then.  I'm going to work hard so I can see the number drop even more.

Tonights dinner....Veggie Omelets!  I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I don't know how exercise is gonna go this week.  Which means it's even more important that I eat well.  Had a minor set-back with a Snickers bar (just a mini) a few minutes ago, but it wasn't worth it, and won't be happening again anytime soon.  

I am not sure I look any better, but I am definitely feeling better.  I feel like I'm not as puffy.  I know that sounds weird, but it's true.  It's probably not noticeable to anyone else, but I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it ME, remember??

P.S.  Finished my Burpee Challenge last week.  This week, I'm gonna do planks!  One 1-minute plank every day.  Also very doable.  I gotta get this core tight again!  

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