Monday, April 16, 2012

Burpee Challange

Today I signed up for a WW challenge. The challenge is easy, very doable. It is to do 10 burpees every single day for 7 straight days. I can do that, right??

I'm going to have to make me a reminder sign because I'm forgetful like that.

If you don't know what a burpee is, here is a little visual aide.

Looks easy?? Ha. Try it. Since I am so advanced (cough) I am going to add a pushup once I am in plank position. Wish me luck!

Side Note: Told the hubby about WW this weekend. Figured it was time since he was going to take me out to ice cream, and I NEVER turn down ice cream. Until now. He was incredibly supportive and proud. He also promised not to have his eyes glued on my every move and every meal. And to not always ask me about it. Which is what I need for him to not do. So, it's good. Still not telling anyone else though. I'm sure my mom will be a few weeks, or months.

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