Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Seeing Progress

After my eating week from you-know-where last week, I was a bit nervous to step on the scale today.  I almost didn't, in fact, thinking to myself "I don't have time" or "I'll do it tomorrow".  But, after my awesome TRX class with my awesome Mom, I decided to bite the bullet.  I'm not going to lie, I expected a gain.  But, low and behold, a loss!  3 pounds, in fact!  I was so happy.  Really, can eating good cause be that important??  Yes, for me it is.  So that makes 8 pounds in the 3 weeks I have been doing WW.  Not too bad, folks.

I'm feeling good today.  Went on a nice walk to the park with T and had a good lunch.  It will be a good day.

I started the 30 challenge yesterday on  Last night while the hubs helped in the garden at my parents house, I snuck into the basement to do the Fitter for Summer-Day 1-Fit test.  It was hard.  Here are my scores.

1.  Squat & Press w/ Sandbag - 19, 20, 18
2.  Pushup-Clean & Press w/Sandbag - 5, 5, 5
3.  Tricep Dips on Bench - 20, 24, 29
4.  Knee Raises on Dip Station - 20, 20, 21

I am interested to see how it changes after the month is over.  It was hard.  Have I mentioned that?

For lunch today, I feasted on some Tuna.  I L.O.V.E. tuna.  Highly recommend it if you are looking for something tasty.  Toasted Tuna sandwiches are my fav.  MMMM..

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