Thursday, May 24, 2012


I have always been an emotional eater.  My mom claims it comes from her.  Thanks mom.  I see myself doing it.  When life hits a rough patch, I get stressed out, or things just aren't working out the way I'd hoped, I eat.  It makes me feel better.  At least that's what I tell myself.

Professionals say you need to figure out why you are going to food during those times. tastes good??  I don't know any other reason than that.  And if I did have another answer, I probably wouldn't still have the same problem.

I am working on this bad habit.  It's hard though.  Today I had 17 Cherry Twizzler Bites. That equals 4 points.  4 points is like having breakfast all over again.  Except it didn't fill me up like breakfast does. I didn't really need them...although I did need a little something sweet after my lunch.  Instead of grabbing the already cut up cantaloupe in the fridge, I grabbed the Twizzlers. And no, I don't know why.  Maybe my sugar is a "beacon of hope".  It kind of seems more like the opposite, though.

So, I conclude to do better at this "emotional eating".  Maybe I will do 5 pushups every time I feel like I need to eat something sweet. That should help...maybe.

Cheers to better choices...and less stress.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have been so tired lately.  I'm not sure why. I have a few theories...

1.  It's getting HOT.  The sun tires me out like crazy.
2.  Lack-o-water.  I have NOT been drinking enough water.  I know this, and need to change it.  Especially because I am outside so much.
3.  Crazy busy.  I feel like I have so much to do and so little time.
4.  Food. Food. Food.  I haven't been eating a lot of "power" foods lately.  Power foods=more energy!

In other news...made some yummy cookies earlier this week.  They were 3 WW pts a piece.  I can proudly say I have only had 4...TOTAL...the entire week!  That's like beyond fantastic.  I might actually be gaining some self control.  Imagine that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Five Percent

Today I hit my first weight goal of WW!!  I couldn't believe it.  I haven't been eating so healthy the past few days, so I thought for sure I would see a gain when I got on the scale.  But, I didn't!  I dropped another 1.6 pounds.  So I have officially completed goal one of losing 10 lbs, which is 5% of my weight!

I am honestly completely shocked, and really happy.  It's nice to see hard work pay off. I have tried to eat well, although Mother's day at the in-laws really sent me for a spin, (nothing there is low in points), and i have tried to be really active.  It's been easy with the nice weather.  I am able to get my workout in, whether it be at the gym, going for a run, or at home, and then we usually head out for a walk or bike ride later in the day...sometimes twice.  It's nice to be outside and know that you are being active and healthy.

I celebrated today with a treat at the most delicious bakery by my house.  It's a huge chocolate oatmeal bar, totaling 7 points.  I can't believe I'm wasting 7 points on one thing!  But, it's really yummy.  I walked to the bakery, which totals about 40 minutes, so I think that helps me not feel as bad!

Happy Day!

P.S.  I made delicious Zucchini Boats for dinner last night.  Here is the recipe:

Zucchini Boats

3 medium zucchini
15 oz ricotta part-skim cheese
2 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese
1 tsp garlic salt
3 Tbsp bread crumbs
Lemon Juice

1.  Preheat oven to 350
2.  Slice zucchini in half lengthwise.
3.  Scoop out seed in the center of zucchini
4.  Place zucchini on baking sheet, and bake while making cheese mixture

5.  Combine ricotta, parmesan, and garlic salt.
6.  Fill the center of each zucchini half with cheese mixture
7.  Top with bread crumbs
8.  Return to oven and cook until bread crumbs are golden brown, cheese is warmed all the way through and bubbly, and zucchini is soft.
9.  Garnish with lemon juice and basil, if desired.

Each zucchini half is 3 points.  Not too bad! And they are delicious!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Today is Monday.  Always in my life I rededicate myself to doing all things "fabulous" on Monday.  Often times that means eating healthy, exercising, getting more accomplished, etc.  Today is no different.  I have felt the last two weeks, that life has become a little out of control.  My schedule is off, my eating has been off, my exercise has been off, basically my life has been off.

I was sick for a week, so I don't really feel bad about this.  I think life usually falls apart when you can do nothing but sit and feel awful.  Last week was my "back on track" week with my exercise.  I did well, every day but Saturday.  This week, I want to focus on my eating, and getting more things accomplished. I sometimes just sit around when I could be doing more important things.

I used to hate Monday, but now I am choosing to embrace it.  I'm going to think of it as a new, fresh start.  Forget everything I did bad last week and be good this week.  I want to do Monday Goal(s).  My goals for this week are:

1.  Work my core out every day.
2.  Eat more fruits and veggies.
3.  Be accomplishing something ALL during T's nap.

Those aren't hard.  Very attainable goals.  Hello Monday.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Seeing Progress

After my eating week from you-know-where last week, I was a bit nervous to step on the scale today.  I almost didn't, in fact, thinking to myself "I don't have time" or "I'll do it tomorrow".  But, after my awesome TRX class with my awesome Mom, I decided to bite the bullet.  I'm not going to lie, I expected a gain.  But, low and behold, a loss!  3 pounds, in fact!  I was so happy.  Really, can eating good cause be that important??  Yes, for me it is.  So that makes 8 pounds in the 3 weeks I have been doing WW.  Not too bad, folks.

I'm feeling good today.  Went on a nice walk to the park with T and had a good lunch.  It will be a good day.

I started the 30 challenge yesterday on  Last night while the hubs helped in the garden at my parents house, I snuck into the basement to do the Fitter for Summer-Day 1-Fit test.  It was hard.  Here are my scores.

1.  Squat & Press w/ Sandbag - 19, 20, 18
2.  Pushup-Clean & Press w/Sandbag - 5, 5, 5
3.  Tricep Dips on Bench - 20, 24, 29
4.  Knee Raises on Dip Station - 20, 20, 21

I am interested to see how it changes after the month is over.  It was hard.  Have I mentioned that?

For lunch today, I feasted on some Tuna.  I L.O.V.E. tuna.  Highly recommend it if you are looking for something tasty.  Toasted Tuna sandwiches are my fav.  MMMM..

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today is May 1st.  I have decided to participate in the Bodyrock May 30 day challenge.  I have loved following BODYROCK.TV the past few months.  They are awesome at home workouts that are pretty dang brutal.  I haven't even followed them really intensely, but I'm going to this month. I will let you know how it goes.  Here is a schedule of the workouts.   

If you want to find out more about, check out their site here.