Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Been Gone

I have been absent...I realize that.  I have had a rough few months being motivated about blogging.  And about being healthy.  Summer was hard.  I felt like if I wasn't doing well, I shouldn't blog about doing well.  But, I guess it's all part of the journey.

I am back up 2 lbs, so I have lost a total of 18...as far as last week is concerned.  Yesterday, I threw in the towel and rededicated myself to WW.  I have been SLACKING!  I have a friend helping me along, giving me words of encouragement and laughs via Facebook.  I'm thankful for her.

I felt great yesterday.  Today has been more difficult.  The cravings are creeping up....candy corn and pumpkins staring at me.  But, I have stayed strong.  I was tempted to go pick up something for lunch today because I had nothing in my fridge and I didn't want to go to the grocery store.  I refrained and made myself a homemade bean burrito.  I have two.  It ended up being WAY more points than I was hoping for, but I guess its better than fast food.  

I didn't feel like working out this morning (I told you, I'm in a funk).  But, I talked to my sweet mom and got the motivation I needed.  I did a NTC "Get Lean" workout:  FIRE DRILL.  It was brutal.  

2 days down.  

I'm gonna try to get back into this whole blogging thing..."try" being the key work there.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Today's Lunch

Cucumber Sandwiches

These little babies are pretty tasty.  I'm sure even more so if you use delicious deli meats and different cheeses.  I just used what I had in my fridge before it went bad.

8 Sandwiches = 5 points

They are surprisingly filling, too.

I've had a rough week, eating wise.   Hoping next week will be better, even with our planned camping trip.  No weight loss, but still down 17.6 pounds in 3 months.  I'm proud.  Gotta work hard to get those last 7 pounds down to meet my goal!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer is Hard

Summer offers so many wonder aspects:  Warm sun, Fresh air, lots of fun activities, etc.  One thing I dislike about summer is the complete lack of a schedule. Because you have so many options for things to do, I often just do everything.  My days never go as planned, mostly because I end up doing fun things instead of things I need to get done.  I'm not complaining.  I love summer.  However, summer has been hard for me this year.

On April 8th, almost 3 months ago, I decided to sign up for weight watchers.  I was excited and enthusiastic that I might actually be able to make progress.  The first month rocked.  Then came May. The sun started shining, people started calling, and my dedication flew out the window.  Since about the middle of May, I have been a slacker.  I workout, sure. We are constantly outside going for runs, walks, bike rides, playing at the parks, hiking, etc.  But, because I am always gone, it makes it hard for me to plan and follow through with healthy meal options.  This has always been my problem, really.  It's just easier to grab something quick than to think about going inside to COOK!

I weighed myself last week for the first time since May 30th.  I had some progress.... -5.4 lbs.  That was  a complete surprise.  That make 15.2 pounds total in the past 3 months.  I am very proud of this, and would never take away the fact that I worked hard for those 15 pounds.  But, I know I can do better.  I have approximately 3 months left of Summer weather (July, August, and September). Although, September can be hit and miss, and sometimes we have summer weather in October.  Regardless, over these next 3 months I am going to try extra hard to plan better meals, and follow through with them.  This might mean I have to spend a little more on groceries so that I can keep the fridge and pantry stocked with FAST, EASY, HEALTHY meal ideas.  Those always seem to be a little more pricey. And I will continue to take full advantage of the warm, sunny weather that makes exercise easy and enjoyable.

I will let you know how it goes.

I am really proud of myself, by the way.  Although, I know I am never going to be finished and I know I can always improve.  Only 10 more pounds till I reach my first goal! I have a feeling they are going to be tough!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Choose Sorbet

I am a complete ice cream fanatic. It's kind of disgusting, really.  To me, ice cream is like pizza.  It is always delicious, and I am ALWAYS in the mood for it.  Especially when it is 100 degrees outside, which currently, is the case.  However, luscious, creamy, rich ice cream is NO GOOD when it comes to points.  Seriously, 1/2 cup is 8 points...and thats if you don't put anything on it. Which, honestly, I usually don't.   But, do you know how small a 1/2 cup is when it comes to ice cream???  We are talking like 1 1/2 scoops folks.  And not Cold Stone scoops.  I mean "the ice cream is so hard I can barely scoop anything out" scoops.

Thus, Enter Sorbet

I am a fan of sorbet, but it has never ever taken a candle to ice cream.  I don't crave it, and it almost never sounds as good as the creamy stuff, unless I am sick. However, for a 1/2 cup of this bad boy...3 points.  Um...I'm going to need to start liking sorbet.  Like, NOW!

P.S.  There are also a lot of fruit based popsicles that aren't bad in points value.  They are nice for hot summer days when you just need a little something to cool you off.  Just stay away from ones PACKED with sugar.... i.e. otter pops.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Serious Intervention

I had an intervention with myself last night.  I realized that I have been doing AWFUL at EVERYTHING!!  Eating, Exercise, Sleep.  Just give me a big fat "F" for the past 2 weeks.  So, I intervened...on myself.  Is that possible?  I'm starting over, today.  Right now.

Normally I would just give up.  But I've noticed lately, how often I do give up on things I have intentions of doing.  I don't want that to happen anymore.  I want to follow through.  So, I start again today.  Tracking EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth, making those things healthier options, eating less, and exercising more.

Yes, I think I will....

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I have always been an emotional eater.  My mom claims it comes from her.  Thanks mom.  I see myself doing it.  When life hits a rough patch, I get stressed out, or things just aren't working out the way I'd hoped, I eat.  It makes me feel better.  At least that's what I tell myself.

Professionals say you need to figure out why you are going to food during those times.  Um...it tastes good??  I don't know any other reason than that.  And if I did have another answer, I probably wouldn't still have the same problem.

I am working on this bad habit.  It's hard though.  Today I had 17 Cherry Twizzler Bites. That equals 4 points.  4 points is like having breakfast all over again.  Except it didn't fill me up like breakfast does. I didn't really need them...although I did need a little something sweet after my lunch.  Instead of grabbing the already cut up cantaloupe in the fridge, I grabbed the Twizzlers. And no, I don't know why.  Maybe my sugar is a "beacon of hope".  It kind of seems more like the opposite, though.

So, I conclude to do better at this "emotional eating".  Maybe I will do 5 pushups every time I feel like I need to eat something sweet. That should help...maybe.

Cheers to better choices...and less stress.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have been so tired lately.  I'm not sure why. I have a few theories...

1.  It's getting HOT.  The sun tires me out like crazy.
2.  Lack-o-water.  I have NOT been drinking enough water.  I know this, and need to change it.  Especially because I am outside so much.
3.  Crazy busy.  I feel like I have so much to do and so little time.
4.  Food. Food. Food.  I haven't been eating a lot of "power" foods lately.  Power foods=more energy!

In other news...made some yummy cookies earlier this week.  They were 3 WW pts a piece.  I can proudly say I have only had 4...TOTAL...the entire week!  That's like beyond fantastic.  I might actually be gaining some self control.  Imagine that.