Monday, June 25, 2012

Choose Sorbet

I am a complete ice cream fanatic. It's kind of disgusting, really.  To me, ice cream is like pizza.  It is always delicious, and I am ALWAYS in the mood for it.  Especially when it is 100 degrees outside, which currently, is the case.  However, luscious, creamy, rich ice cream is NO GOOD when it comes to points.  Seriously, 1/2 cup is 8 points...and thats if you don't put anything on it. Which, honestly, I usually don't.   But, do you know how small a 1/2 cup is when it comes to ice cream???  We are talking like 1 1/2 scoops folks.  And not Cold Stone scoops.  I mean "the ice cream is so hard I can barely scoop anything out" scoops.

Thus, Enter Sorbet

I am a fan of sorbet, but it has never ever taken a candle to ice cream.  I don't crave it, and it almost never sounds as good as the creamy stuff, unless I am sick. However, for a 1/2 cup of this bad boy...3 points.  Um...I'm going to need to start liking sorbet.  Like, NOW!

P.S.  There are also a lot of fruit based popsicles that aren't bad in points value.  They are nice for hot summer days when you just need a little something to cool you off.  Just stay away from ones PACKED with sugar.... i.e. otter pops.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Serious Intervention

I had an intervention with myself last night.  I realized that I have been doing AWFUL at EVERYTHING!!  Eating, Exercise, Sleep.  Just give me a big fat "F" for the past 2 weeks.  So, I intervened...on myself.  Is that possible?  I'm starting over, today.  Right now.

Normally I would just give up.  But I've noticed lately, how often I do give up on things I have intentions of doing.  I don't want that to happen anymore.  I want to follow through.  So, I start again today.  Tracking EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth, making those things healthier options, eating less, and exercising more.

Yes, I think I will....